LiP & Tongue Ties
Lip- and Tongue-Tie Release
At Milestones Pediatric Dentistry, we use our state-of-the-art Solea Co2 Laser to perform frenectomies, also known as Lip- and/or Tongue-Tie release. This procedure facilitates breastfeeding, reduces dental decay, and encourages cranial-facial development.
From experience and research, Dr. Lubrano believes that any mother who wants to breastfeed should be able to do so and do so without pain. One of the most common and often overlooked barriers to successful breastfeeding is related to restricted oral-muscle function. When this is the problem, a quick and safe procedure called a frenectomy can restore function and allow Mom and Baby to get back or track toward the rewarding experience of breastfeeding.
Oral restrictions called "tongue and lip ties" are when the lingual (tongue) or labial (lip) frenulum restricts function. Dr. Lubrano is committed to resolving and preventing the negative effects these restrictions have on growing children. Negative effects include:
Trouble with breastfeeding or bottle feeding:
Physical Ailments:
Airway Issues:
Trouble with eating:
Trouble with speaking:
Dental & Orthodontic Issues:
Dr. Carolyn believes in an integrative model of care for infants, toddlers, adolescents, and their families. She and her team are committed to doing their best to ensure the correction of the oral restriction and elimination of all resulting symptoms. To reach this result, she conducts a thorough assessment for an accurate diagnosis and develops a plan so that babies, children, and parents are properly prepared for the pre- and post-procedure. Further support with lactation and bodywork by referrals are given as needed.
Call our office (508-399-8200) for more details and to make an appointment for a consultation.